The iLee Bird Gets The Worm

"Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs." Isaiah 61:7

01 March 2006

Mmm Pancakes

Yesterday was pancake day.
Sarah and I didn't make any, but we made up for it today.
My parents came round carrying eggs, flour and milk and we cooked it up good!!

I may not be the best when it comes to whipping up the mix, but I can toss with the best of them!
Lee 9:07 PM


i'm impressed!
you didn't see where it landed hehe!!!
It landed in the pan, right where it was supposed to!
Bahaha!!!! Lee told you off!!!
hey! you look like a real pro there! good work.
I noticed your mum and dad are looking younger these days... nice picture. LOL
hey kelly, i tried to leave a comment on your blog it wouldn't let me....
very funny tho!
great photo!
hey you two, not enough blogging, what's the matter you bored???
Lee, Blog.
Blog, Lee.
come on Mr Houghton.
Lee is just is so proud of his flipping pancake skills that he wants to leave the pic up there at the top of the page for all eternity.
Never mind the flippin pancakes, just flippin blog will ya

Ok everyone, we need to agree to boycott this blog page until we KNOW there is a new blog comment posted. Check out RSS feeds......... anyone else AGREE?????
Just so you know Lee, I will not be back until my RSS feed says NEW BLOG

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