08 March 2006
I know, I'm a slacker!

A few of you have pointed out my recent lack of blogging.
Well, in my defence I usually wait until I stop getting comments before blogging again, if the comments are flowing then there's still life in the current entry, that's how I look at it.
But I suppose, since most of you comments are telling me to blog, it doesn't really apply in this instance.
So I am blogging.
Now I've been pretty busy lately, what with work and looking after the preggers Sarah, and leading worship (it involved a lot of practice and preparation time you know!) and DIYing and producing DVDs and podcasting and all kinds of stuff.
But nothing seemed really blog worthy.
With the help of Andrew (from work) I finished installing our new shower enclosure. I say 'with the help of' but it was really a case of Andrew knew what he was doing and I helped where I could. Still, our shower is finally finished and looks incredible!!
I made a DVD with the best wishes of PDBC to Covenant Church. It was a challenge turning it into something fun and exciting, but thankfully my mum's outtakes made that job easier! Apparantly it was well received in Florida.
With my dad sunning himself on holiday in Florida (he wishes!) I was in charge of the business too, all the caravans are still standing so I don't think I did too badly! There was a minor disaster with one flooding, but it was ok in the end!
I think my worship leading is coming along well, I got lots of positive feedback last Sunday, it seems it was my best to date! I even had a first request for my CD. Shame I haven't cut it yet.
The biggest, bestest news of all is that I felt Bean moving around for the first time!!!
Sarah gets to feel him/her kick all the time, but he goes still when I try to feel. But I did feel him move, and I know I'll feel the kicking soon! It's so cool, our baby is big enough to make him/herself felt now! It's awesome!!!
To finish, I will wrap up this incredible blog entry with a link for you to visit...
click here if you like The Simpsons.
Now leave me alone for a few days!!!
Lee 7:31 PM
That was superdee cool!!
And great news about Bean, aawwww! Just wait till he's kicking Sarah awake at night and only the hand of Dad can pat him back to sleep. At least that's what mine were like!
, at And great news about Bean, aawwww! Just wait till he's kicking Sarah awake at night and only the hand of Dad can pat him back to sleep. At least that's what mine were like!
Yay!!! Lee blogged! Nicely written Babe, you did well.
And way to mention me and Bean (we thank you for making us popular).
I miss you, come home from work now.
And way to mention me and Bean (we thank you for making us popular).
I miss you, come home from work now.
Exciting days are ahead! Fasten your seatbelt Daddy!
, at
Lee, you blogging at work?
grrrrr you'll get sacked!
grrrrr you'll get sacked!
ps. you did great worship leading last week...... more Lord!
haha, you just got threatened by your own parents!! and not just a slap in the head, but to get sacked!!! hahahaahah, wait now, does it mean the same as over here in Canadia?
Oh lovely, flooding inside houses and such is always a good time...NOT!! oh the stories. hahahaah
Oh lovely, flooding inside houses and such is always a good time...NOT!! oh the stories. hahahaah