13 February 2006
Need Sleep
Lately I've been waking up very tired.

I don't know why, it's a mystery, it really is... oh wait, I do know why and her name begins with an 'S'!!
Ok, before you all start thinking this is going to be an inappropriate blog, you're wrong, get you minds out of the gutter people!
The reason is that Sarah, in all her beauty and wisdom and sickness has become something of a night owl.
I don't know what it is but she seems to miraculously become well when the clock strikes midnight, it's like Cinderella in reverse or something!
I have a theory... basically I think Sarah is still on Canadian time. Caused in part by the fact she is unable to get out of bed in the morning because of her sickness, so she sleeps late. This in turn means when I think it's midnight, it's only 7pm to Sarah so she's wide awake and full of life. And because she's been sick all day, she wants to make the most of this new found 'wellness' and talk.
I don't know why but Sarah insists on keeping me up to share in her joy of not puking.
Last night Sarah was so happy she actually pushed me out of bed!!
No kidding!!! And we have a king size bed!!
I hit the floor with a thump.
So I need help, how can I get some sleep??

Does anyone have any sleeping pills??

I don't know why, it's a mystery, it really is... oh wait, I do know why and her name begins with an 'S'!!
Ok, before you all start thinking this is going to be an inappropriate blog, you're wrong, get you minds out of the gutter people!
The reason is that Sarah, in all her beauty and wisdom and sickness has become something of a night owl.
I don't know what it is but she seems to miraculously become well when the clock strikes midnight, it's like Cinderella in reverse or something!
I have a theory... basically I think Sarah is still on Canadian time. Caused in part by the fact she is unable to get out of bed in the morning because of her sickness, so she sleeps late. This in turn means when I think it's midnight, it's only 7pm to Sarah so she's wide awake and full of life. And because she's been sick all day, she wants to make the most of this new found 'wellness' and talk.
I don't know why but Sarah insists on keeping me up to share in her joy of not puking.
Last night Sarah was so happy she actually pushed me out of bed!!
No kidding!!! And we have a king size bed!!
I hit the floor with a thump.
So I need help, how can I get some sleep??

Does anyone have any sleeping pills??
Lee 2:43 PM
Great Picture, looks just like you
Have you tried counting Sheep.... or drug dealers maybe
Have you tried counting Sheep.... or drug dealers maybe
I of course OBJECT to almost EVERY word in this blog (except for the part where it says "in all her beauty and wisdom")
I did not kick him out of bed, it was a gentle nudge, just to say "Hey, I think you're cute and I want to awknowlege that with a nudge". Is it my fault that Lee's not stable and just happened to fall out of bed with a thump??? I think not!
Besides, you'd think this man would be happy that I actually want to talk with him and share things with him, as apposed to ignoring him completely and falling asleep without a loving "Goodnight sweetie!"
I'm very upset with this blog entry and hereby swear that I am not going to talk to Lee for the rest of the evening until he reads this post and apoligizes! Or I tell him to read the post and then he apoligizes, but that's the only compromise I'm willing to make!
I did not kick him out of bed, it was a gentle nudge, just to say "Hey, I think you're cute and I want to awknowlege that with a nudge". Is it my fault that Lee's not stable and just happened to fall out of bed with a thump??? I think not!
Besides, you'd think this man would be happy that I actually want to talk with him and share things with him, as apposed to ignoring him completely and falling asleep without a loving "Goodnight sweetie!"
I'm very upset with this blog entry and hereby swear that I am not going to talk to Lee for the rest of the evening until he reads this post and apoligizes! Or I tell him to read the post and then he apoligizes, but that's the only compromise I'm willing to make!
You two need to get on the same time zone! ......right???
, at
It was definitely NOT a nudge, I was pushed hard!!
But in all honesty, I love seeing Sarah acting well again, and I'm quite happy to lose my sleep to see it!!
But in all honesty, I love seeing Sarah acting well again, and I'm quite happy to lose my sleep to see it!!
Don't worry Kelly
there are a lot more sheep than drug dealers
there are a lot more sheep than drug dealers