05 February 2006
I want to be... "an International House Pancake"

That's a line from one of my favourite movies, any ideas??

But that's off topic, today's blog is dedicated to my first attempt at making North American style pancakes.
My parents brought a box of pancake mix back from the US when they visited Alex and Tara at Christmas, up until now we haven't tried to make them, but I finally bought a whisk and decided to give it a go.
The thought of light and fluffy pancakes covered in maple syrup was too much to resist.
I've made pancakes before, but North Americans would call them crepes, you know the really thin ones?
Those I've done, I even remember being able to toss them (admitted, not always successfully!).
But these pancakes were smaller and thicker.
So I made the mix up, that bit I couldn't go too wrong with, I just had to add water and mix! Easy enough right, even for me!
I showed Sarah the consistency to make sure I had things right before I actually tried to cook them, and got her seal of approval, so I was all ready to start.
Admitted the kitchen was starting to look like World War 3, but the mix was looking good!
I heated up the griddle and away I went.
I don't know exactly what I did wrong, but they sure didn't taste like the ones Ron makes when I'm in Canada!
Or even the ones from IHOP (the pancake one, not the prayer one).
I think I had the heat too low, and I think the first couple I tried were just too thick.
One was still a bit gooey, the others were just stodgy.
So it was a pretty appalling first attempt, but we have more mix left so I can keep trying.
Practice makes perfect right??
Lee 11:24 PM
Awe! Make sure the stove or as you call it griddle is on medium and is heated first! Wait until it starts to bubble and then if you can flip them successfully then go for it and you should be good to go! Come on even my brother made wonderful pancakes at the ripe ole age of 8! You can do it!
, at
Hi Lee,
I don't know why you were bothering. No offense to North Americans, but English pancakes are the best. :)
I don't know why you were bothering. No offense to North Americans, but English pancakes are the best. :)
whatta guy!!!!
love the blog x
, at love the blog x
I love american pancakes!! I have a halfway decent recipe if you want it (for when you run out of mix) it doesn't make em quite as fluffy as i'd like though.
, at
I'm proud of my boy!!! Cuz even though he didn't get 'em perfect, they were still pretty darn good!!!
Which means the best is yet to come!!!
Which means the best is yet to come!!!
Hi Christine, please forward pancake recipe, i'm sure it's part of my diet plan
Christine, ARE YOU THERE, this is important
okay, okay i'm coming. i'm trying to get the kiddos to bed...sheesh!
, at
alright Steve and Becky, check your mail.
, at
I want it too, this is my blog you're all using to communicate after all!!
I need good pancakes!
I need good pancakes!
it's on it's way..
, at
yummy pancakes, do you want some more?
, at
by the way, what is the favorite movie?
you mentioned at the start?
it rings a bell somewhere vaguely.....
ummm think, think what can it be?
, at you mentioned at the start?
it rings a bell somewhere vaguely.....
ummm think, think what can it be?
short circuit?
, at
No, it's from Mr Deeds.
That movie rocks!!
That movie rocks!!