31 January 2006
It's a mystery...
Have you ever lifted up your shirt and found a nice little ball of fluff in your belly button??
Just sitting there, looking all innocent, like it had been there your whole life, but you know that's not true because you showered only a few hours earlier.
I have.
And I'm coming out!
That's right, it's time the whole world knew... I have belly button fluff!!
I thought this was a common occurance, but the topic came up in conversation (I have no idea how) the other night at my parents house and it turned out I was the only one in the room that had ever found that cute little ball of fluff in their naval.
So, with the wonders of modern technology that is wireless internet, we looked it up online.
I was relieved to see that I wasn't a total freak, and in fact there were lots of websites devoted entirely to naval fluff.
Quite disturbingly, one guy has kept his belly button fluff since 1984 and is now on to his third jar full!
It's true and I can prove it, here's the jars...

And I've noticed something, every time I find some belly button fluff it's blue!
It doesn't matter what colour t-shirt I'm wearing, it's always blue! Why is that??
So where does the fluff come from??
My research has thrown up several suggestions...
"I believe that naval lint is the by-product of all the missing socks in the world...must involve some sort of multi-demensional behavior. All my tee shirts are white..wherefrom the blue grey lint?"
"My own personal theory is that what you ignorantly refer to a "navel fluff" is in fact the moulted beard-hair of tiny dwarves that frolic in humans' belly-buttons. By making the above ridiculous claims regarding "navel fluff's" origin, you are denying these tiny beings' very existence. Shame on you."
"I subscribe to the theory that the 'lint monster' places fluff in our belly buttons whilst we sleep."
Do you have any suggestions??
I'll leave the last word on this entry to a little guy I found during my research called 'King Fluff'

"I experience seasonal fluff, strongly correlated with wearing long underwear in the winter. its most important function seems to be in amusing my wife"
Just sitting there, looking all innocent, like it had been there your whole life, but you know that's not true because you showered only a few hours earlier.
I have.
And I'm coming out!
That's right, it's time the whole world knew... I have belly button fluff!!
I thought this was a common occurance, but the topic came up in conversation (I have no idea how) the other night at my parents house and it turned out I was the only one in the room that had ever found that cute little ball of fluff in their naval.
So, with the wonders of modern technology that is wireless internet, we looked it up online.
I was relieved to see that I wasn't a total freak, and in fact there were lots of websites devoted entirely to naval fluff.
Quite disturbingly, one guy has kept his belly button fluff since 1984 and is now on to his third jar full!
It's true and I can prove it, here's the jars...

And I've noticed something, every time I find some belly button fluff it's blue!
It doesn't matter what colour t-shirt I'm wearing, it's always blue! Why is that??
So where does the fluff come from??
My research has thrown up several suggestions...
"I believe that naval lint is the by-product of all the missing socks in the world...must involve some sort of multi-demensional behavior. All my tee shirts are white..wherefrom the blue grey lint?"
"My own personal theory is that what you ignorantly refer to a "navel fluff" is in fact the moulted beard-hair of tiny dwarves that frolic in humans' belly-buttons. By making the above ridiculous claims regarding "navel fluff's" origin, you are denying these tiny beings' very existence. Shame on you."
"I subscribe to the theory that the 'lint monster' places fluff in our belly buttons whilst we sleep."
Do you have any suggestions??
I'll leave the last word on this entry to a little guy I found during my research called 'King Fluff'

"I experience seasonal fluff, strongly correlated with wearing long underwear in the winter. its most important function seems to be in amusing my wife"
Lee 11:16 PM
Jeff has serious naval fluff (i know you were just hungry for that bit of information) Now I hate belly buttons, seeing anyone touch their belly buttons, or touching my own makes me seriously want to throw up. Just thinking about it right now has sent my stomach flipping and my head spinning so badly that i have to type with one hand because the other one is holding up my head.
Jeff has the deepest belly button in the world, i think the end of it is within millimetres of his backbone, and there's always fluff in there and I always have to say "Jeff, get the fluff out" (didn't Extreme sing a song about that once?) and then i have to turn around quickly so as not to see him plunge his arm into his naval to retrieve the stuff.
He'd be on his tenth jar by now. and you know what? it's always blue.
, at Jeff has the deepest belly button in the world, i think the end of it is within millimetres of his backbone, and there's always fluff in there and I always have to say "Jeff, get the fluff out" (didn't Extreme sing a song about that once?) and then i have to turn around quickly so as not to see him plunge his arm into his naval to retrieve the stuff.
He'd be on his tenth jar by now. and you know what? it's always blue.
You got it right the first time Becky. although I am partyly to blame for helping with this blog entry
, at
*sigh* I don't know how the belly button fluff collects, but it does
Every day without fail I have to tell Lee to get rid of "King Fluff" or he's not allowed in bed!
Every day without fail I have to tell Lee to get rid of "King Fluff" or he's not allowed in bed!