01 January 2006
Happy New Year from 37,000 Feet!!
This maybe be something of an incoherent rant, but my excuse is I haven’t had any sleep and it’s 8am UK time (3am Canadian), so I apologise if this doesn’t make much sense. But then Ron said I should blog from the plane, and it’ll help pass the time, so Ron, this blog entry is dedicated to you.
We’ve speeding along at nearly 600 miles per hour, that’s almost 1,000 km an hour (for my metric friends!).
That’s pretty freakin’ fast!! (he, he, I just spell checked this blog entry and blogger told me to change 'freakin' to 'foreskin' he he!!)
After arriving at the airport later than planned (stupid snow), we were quickly through check in and security. We brought a whopping 81 kg with us in 4 suitcases, not to mention our carry on bags, so I was a little concerned about the excess baggage charge. We were allowed to bring 30kg each and 5kg carry on, so at the very least they should have charged us over $100, but thankfully God’s favour, and the check in lady’s holiday spirit prevailed and she let us through without paying a penny extra! I did give her a sob story about how we’d only been married a couple of months and it had cost a fortune to get Sarah’s visa sorted out so we could move to the UK, oh and did I mention we’re pregnant?! The nice lady took pity on us, she marked the computer saying we didn’t have any hand luggage, so she was able to waive the excess baggage charge. Result!!

We flew with Zoom Airlines, and I have to say they were excellent. Right from the nice check in lady who waived the excess charge, to the crew, to the plane itself. I opted to pay an extra $80 to get us upgraded to 'Premium' class, so we could sit together, have extra leg room and also so they would give us an extra 10kg each baggage allowance.
Ok, it wasn't quite like first class, but I had more leg room than I'd ever had before, I was actually able to cross my legs and still sit comfortably without touching the chair in front. Then we got drinks while we still sat at the gate and we were able to watch the movies on a huge plasma TV. The plane itself was brand new and I loved it!
Best of all, Sarah and I had 2 seats together with nobody else near us! Yay! I hate those planes where it's a row of 3 seats and you get stuck with a stranger, this plane just had 2 seats, so Sarah got her window seat and I got my aisle seat.
On the way over here I slept most of the way, and Sarah hardly slept at all, this time the roles have been reversed. Sarah has slept the entire way, well almost, she did stay awake long enough for her morning sickness to reappear a few minutes after take off. Thank you Lord for sick bags, that’s all I have to say! I think that took a lot out of her, the poor little mite, and she’s slept through both movies. They’re about to serve breakfast, the smell could mean another sick bad gets used, but I’m praying Sarah will be able to eat something. I found a big stash of sick bags in the bathroom so I picked some up, it might be useful keeping a couple in the car or around the house, you know, just in case!
Sarah not only needed another sick bag, she needed 6 in total as she threw up more than I ever thought humanly possible!!
The poor thing, morning sickness and planes do not go well together!
**End of Update**
At midnight the pilot counted us down to the new year, and Sarah and I saw in 2006 with a kiss, what a way to start!
A Scottish couple behind us then led us in a rendition of Auld Lang Syne and I heartily joined in.
It was so strange coming in to Glasgow airport (we dropped people off there before continuing to Manchester), we touched down at about 9.30am and the roads were deserted, it was like a ghost city! No kidding, there wasn't a car in sight, it was very weird for a big city!
So, I find myself pondering the new year. It’s 2006 and the thought of what lies ahead this year makes tears come to my eyes, tears of happiness, joy and excitement! This year is the first full year of being a husband, I’ve had a few months, but as 2004 ended I was just coming to terms with being engaged. I can’t wait to grow as a husband, with God’s help and guidance of course! I just want to fall deeper and deeper in love with my Heavenly Daddy this year, and also deeper and deeper in love with Sarah, my b-e-a-utiful wife.
Then I look ahead to the other HUGE event of 2006, the birth of my first child!!
I am so excited about becoming a Daddy, I don’t care if I have a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. I’m just so thrilled that I’ll have this tiny little bundle of joy that will be totally dependent on me and Sarah for absolutely everything. I think little Nevaeh / Casper (or whatever we decide to call Bean when he/she is born) will teach me a few things about being dependent on Daddy’s love that I can use to grow my relationship with God. The only thing I know for sure right now is that I will love the little thing so much it scares me!
Anyway, those are my thoughts as 2006 begins. I’m sure God has many other things lined up for us too, but that’s as far as my narrow little mind can see right now.
God Bless you all, may God give you everything you’re looking for, and then some.
We’ve speeding along at nearly 600 miles per hour, that’s almost 1,000 km an hour (for my metric friends!).
That’s pretty freakin’ fast!! (he, he, I just spell checked this blog entry and blogger told me to change 'freakin' to 'foreskin' he he!!)
After arriving at the airport later than planned (stupid snow), we were quickly through check in and security. We brought a whopping 81 kg with us in 4 suitcases, not to mention our carry on bags, so I was a little concerned about the excess baggage charge. We were allowed to bring 30kg each and 5kg carry on, so at the very least they should have charged us over $100, but thankfully God’s favour, and the check in lady’s holiday spirit prevailed and she let us through without paying a penny extra! I did give her a sob story about how we’d only been married a couple of months and it had cost a fortune to get Sarah’s visa sorted out so we could move to the UK, oh and did I mention we’re pregnant?! The nice lady took pity on us, she marked the computer saying we didn’t have any hand luggage, so she was able to waive the excess baggage charge. Result!!

We flew with Zoom Airlines, and I have to say they were excellent. Right from the nice check in lady who waived the excess charge, to the crew, to the plane itself. I opted to pay an extra $80 to get us upgraded to 'Premium' class, so we could sit together, have extra leg room and also so they would give us an extra 10kg each baggage allowance.
Ok, it wasn't quite like first class, but I had more leg room than I'd ever had before, I was actually able to cross my legs and still sit comfortably without touching the chair in front. Then we got drinks while we still sat at the gate and we were able to watch the movies on a huge plasma TV. The plane itself was brand new and I loved it!
Best of all, Sarah and I had 2 seats together with nobody else near us! Yay! I hate those planes where it's a row of 3 seats and you get stuck with a stranger, this plane just had 2 seats, so Sarah got her window seat and I got my aisle seat.
On the way over here I slept most of the way, and Sarah hardly slept at all, this time the roles have been reversed. Sarah has slept the entire way, well almost, she did stay awake long enough for her morning sickness to reappear a few minutes after take off. Thank you Lord for sick bags, that’s all I have to say! I think that took a lot out of her, the poor little mite, and she’s slept through both movies. They’re about to serve breakfast, the smell could mean another sick bad gets used, but I’m praying Sarah will be able to eat something. I found a big stash of sick bags in the bathroom so I picked some up, it might be useful keeping a couple in the car or around the house, you know, just in case!
Sarah not only needed another sick bag, she needed 6 in total as she threw up more than I ever thought humanly possible!!
The poor thing, morning sickness and planes do not go well together!
**End of Update**
At midnight the pilot counted us down to the new year, and Sarah and I saw in 2006 with a kiss, what a way to start!
A Scottish couple behind us then led us in a rendition of Auld Lang Syne and I heartily joined in.
It was so strange coming in to Glasgow airport (we dropped people off there before continuing to Manchester), we touched down at about 9.30am and the roads were deserted, it was like a ghost city! No kidding, there wasn't a car in sight, it was very weird for a big city!
So, I find myself pondering the new year. It’s 2006 and the thought of what lies ahead this year makes tears come to my eyes, tears of happiness, joy and excitement! This year is the first full year of being a husband, I’ve had a few months, but as 2004 ended I was just coming to terms with being engaged. I can’t wait to grow as a husband, with God’s help and guidance of course! I just want to fall deeper and deeper in love with my Heavenly Daddy this year, and also deeper and deeper in love with Sarah, my b-e-a-utiful wife.
Then I look ahead to the other HUGE event of 2006, the birth of my first child!!
I am so excited about becoming a Daddy, I don’t care if I have a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. I’m just so thrilled that I’ll have this tiny little bundle of joy that will be totally dependent on me and Sarah for absolutely everything. I think little Nevaeh / Casper (or whatever we decide to call Bean when he/she is born) will teach me a few things about being dependent on Daddy’s love that I can use to grow my relationship with God. The only thing I know for sure right now is that I will love the little thing so much it scares me!
Anyway, those are my thoughts as 2006 begins. I’m sure God has many other things lined up for us too, but that’s as far as my narrow little mind can see right now.
God Bless you all, may God give you everything you’re looking for, and then some.
Lee 11:13 AM
Now that's what i call a blog entry. Just about covered it all. Cool dude!!!! and a great way to bring in the New Year. Love the Scottish couples willingness to sing (on a plane!!!)
Yup this year is going to be Freakin amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya soon guys
(are you sure you can get up in time to pick us up????????)
, at Yup this year is going to be Freakin amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya soon guys
(are you sure you can get up in time to pick us up????????)
Well I don't know about Ron, but I think this was a beautiful account for the small hours of the morning.
Sorry to hear that Sarah had such a rough time in flight. But I'm not surprised you were her Knight in Shining Armour with a supply of 'vomit' bags no less... LOL
May you be truely be blessed in 2006. Babies will change your life forever if you let them. And never forget... all children need their Daddy. God designed it that way.
Love ya,
, at Sorry to hear that Sarah had such a rough time in flight. But I'm not surprised you were her Knight in Shining Armour with a supply of 'vomit' bags no less... LOL
May you be truely be blessed in 2006. Babies will change your life forever if you let them. And never forget... all children need their Daddy. God designed it that way.
Love ya,
wow, 6 sick bags, oh my.
it was so good to see you both again. it was almost like you weren't gone at all. i have no idea when i'll see you next, but i hope its soon.
Lee, you're gonna be a great Dad, i just know it!! you've got skills. bow staff skills, husband skills, sick bag skills, computer hacking skills, so out of all that i'm sure that dad skills will come naturally. later
it was so good to see you both again. it was almost like you weren't gone at all. i have no idea when i'll see you next, but i hope its soon.
Lee, you're gonna be a great Dad, i just know it!! you've got skills. bow staff skills, husband skills, sick bag skills, computer hacking skills, so out of all that i'm sure that dad skills will come naturally. later
Awe there's nice - sorry your sick Sarah, nice blog lee - good night grandma, good night john boy - heard from the deep parts of the memory - showing my age!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR - and no songs included.
, at HAPPY NEW YEAR - and no songs included.
Fantastic post, Lee. You and Sarah are going to be awesome parents!
, at