13 January 2006
Are you new you?
This week Sarah and I started our Newcomers Group.
We host this in our home, and it's basically for anyone who is new to our church, or Chistianity in general.
We had 3 people show up, which was a good number.
It is an opportunity to ask any questions about anything to do with God or the church or anything at all really.
I was a bit worried nobody would show up, and also that people might be a bit shy at first and not want to talk.
No worrys there I can tell you!
The group started throwing out questions and the discussions flowed right from the word go.
In fact we talked about things (that just so happened to be on my notes anyway) for a good 20 minutes, before I even bothered looking at my notes to see what we were supposed to be covering.
Hopefully people will come back next week.
I think they enjoyed it, next Wednesday will be the true test, will we still have 3 people?!?
Another thing that was 'new' this week was Sarah's first trip to a UK hospital.
Why you ask?
Well, because we went for Sarah's first anti-natal check up and they diagnosed Sarah as totally dehydrated, so they admitted her to hospital to go on a drip for a couple of days!
I think Sarah now wishes this was possible...

It took about 7 hours of just lying on a bed before a doctor decided to come and see Sarah, but thanfully by then they were happy she wasn't too bad at all and they let her go home.
That was a good thing, because I like having Sarah at home with me rather than stuck in a stupid hospital.
A bad thing was the 7 hours of waiting just to see a doctor (who's visit lasted all of 2 minutes during which she took Sarah's pulse, looked at her tongue and checked her ankles - oooooooooo it really needs 7 years of schooling to learn how to do that lot!).
Still, Sarah did make friends with other preggers ladies, including a Scouser (someone from Liverpool) who Sarah couldn't even understand!
We learnt that Sarah needs to eat small meals often (which we already knew) and drink lots and lots of fluids, even if they refuse to stay down!

Still, it was an adventure, but not one I plan to repeat.
We host this in our home, and it's basically for anyone who is new to our church, or Chistianity in general.
We had 3 people show up, which was a good number.
It is an opportunity to ask any questions about anything to do with God or the church or anything at all really.
I was a bit worried nobody would show up, and also that people might be a bit shy at first and not want to talk.
No worrys there I can tell you!
The group started throwing out questions and the discussions flowed right from the word go.
In fact we talked about things (that just so happened to be on my notes anyway) for a good 20 minutes, before I even bothered looking at my notes to see what we were supposed to be covering.
Hopefully people will come back next week.
I think they enjoyed it, next Wednesday will be the true test, will we still have 3 people?!?
Another thing that was 'new' this week was Sarah's first trip to a UK hospital.
Why you ask?
Well, because we went for Sarah's first anti-natal check up and they diagnosed Sarah as totally dehydrated, so they admitted her to hospital to go on a drip for a couple of days!
I think Sarah now wishes this was possible...

It took about 7 hours of just lying on a bed before a doctor decided to come and see Sarah, but thanfully by then they were happy she wasn't too bad at all and they let her go home.
That was a good thing, because I like having Sarah at home with me rather than stuck in a stupid hospital.
A bad thing was the 7 hours of waiting just to see a doctor (who's visit lasted all of 2 minutes during which she took Sarah's pulse, looked at her tongue and checked her ankles - oooooooooo it really needs 7 years of schooling to learn how to do that lot!).
Still, Sarah did make friends with other preggers ladies, including a Scouser (someone from Liverpool) who Sarah couldn't even understand!
We learnt that Sarah needs to eat small meals often (which we already knew) and drink lots and lots of fluids, even if they refuse to stay down!

Still, it was an adventure, but not one I plan to repeat.
Lee 5:51 PM
I'm eating and drinking thank you very much.
Good blog Babe, but the picture of the pregnant man was more then disturbing, it was down right creepy!
Don't let it happen again.
Love you!
Good blog Babe, but the picture of the pregnant man was more then disturbing, it was down right creepy!
Don't let it happen again.
Love you!
OK, I thought the first pic was disturbing but the second was even worse cause I saw boobies! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Alex and I are glad to hear that Sarah is doing better! Hey a side note, if you eat more smaller meals in a day you loose weight!
Love you guys!
, at Alex and I are glad to hear that Sarah is doing better! Hey a side note, if you eat more smaller meals in a day you loose weight!
Love you guys!
One thing that happens when you (or your wife, as in my case) get pregnant, and that's you have to stop being scared of boobies, because they're everywhere!
Seriously, when we were in the hospital there were pictures of boobies all over the place!
So I think I'm developing an immunity to it, I didn't even notice there were boobies, I just saw the carrots!
Seriously, when we were in the hospital there were pictures of boobies all over the place!
So I think I'm developing an immunity to it, I didn't even notice there were boobies, I just saw the carrots!
ha! four months wed and already immune to boobies......
you fibber!
you fibber!
I really feel for you Sarah. My one and only pregnancy was 9 months of nauseau. I lived on a steady diet of peaches (canned) and only ended up gaining a total of 18 pounds. I did however, have a very healthy, 7 lb 10 oz baby boy who was perfect in every way. And though the pregnancy was tough the labour was a breeze. Ryan was an easy going, sweet baby and still pretty much is. (Ask Cassie, she's babysat him and says he is "abnormally well behaved." He will be 12 in a few years, so I am sure that will change! What is the moral you may ask? Though it may be tough now it is all worth it. God may make things challenging but the payoff is always worth every moment.
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