08 December 2005
Maybe my child could be called Aslan

Over here in Wales, the first installment in the Chronicles of Nania, 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe' was released today.
Sorry to all you North American friends, you have to wait until tomorrow, and not only that, with the time difference it's almost a whole day and a half before any of you can see it!
Well, let me tell you, it's well worth the wait!!
What a great movie!!
And not only was the movie great, but we also had the whole movie theatre to ourselves. Going during the afternoon is a great idea!
So we had our very own private viewing.
My only complaint about that was my Dad decided if there was nobody else there, he could talk as much as he wanted.
And the only thing about the movie I wanted to change was the size of Aslan, I thought he should have been bigger, he needed a bit more of an 'awe' factor.
But apart from that it was fantastic!
I won't give any more away (not that the story is much of a secret), I just wanted to blog and say ha ha! We've already seen it!!
And now I've gloated a bit, I'll go, and dream of lions and fawns and talking beavers.
Enjoy the movie!
Lee 5:00 PM
Mr. Tumnus was my favorite!
the beaver RULLEEESSSS!!!!!!
, at
the best thing about narnia is the snow, i want snow....
and a fur coat like lucy's.....
, at
and a fur coat like lucy's.....