10 December 2005
A Deliriously happy day!
Yesterday Sarah and I had a full day, we began by going to Manchester and doing a bit more shopping.
We went a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to shop for each other! So back we were, in the crowds and the pushing and the lack of parking spaces, but we did it, we shopped for each other and I think we did well, except Sarah won't tell me what she got me, but I'll find out soon enough, Christmas is nearly here!!
Then it was on to Bradford and to Abundant Life Church, where we had tickets for the opening night of Delirious' UK Tour!

There were probably between about 2,000-3,000 people there. The disappointing thing was that you'd think a Christian concert would mean a bit of consideration for the others there, not so much of the pushing and shoving, but no, it was almost like Christmas shopping all over again!!
But Sarah and I found a good spot near the back next to the sound desk, where we had a good view and room to breathe.
As it turns out Delirious have a new CD out, something we only found out on the night, and they did a lot of songs from it, but they still did some of the classics too, I think my favourite was History Maker.
I've wanted to see them live since I got saved, but it's never worked out before, so I loved it!
I think my favourite new song was one called Miracle Maker, get it!
We went a couple of weeks ago, but forgot to shop for each other! So back we were, in the crowds and the pushing and the lack of parking spaces, but we did it, we shopped for each other and I think we did well, except Sarah won't tell me what she got me, but I'll find out soon enough, Christmas is nearly here!!
Then it was on to Bradford and to Abundant Life Church, where we had tickets for the opening night of Delirious' UK Tour!

There were probably between about 2,000-3,000 people there. The disappointing thing was that you'd think a Christian concert would mean a bit of consideration for the others there, not so much of the pushing and shoving, but no, it was almost like Christmas shopping all over again!!
But Sarah and I found a good spot near the back next to the sound desk, where we had a good view and room to breathe.
As it turns out Delirious have a new CD out, something we only found out on the night, and they did a lot of songs from it, but they still did some of the classics too, I think my favourite was History Maker.
I've wanted to see them live since I got saved, but it's never worked out before, so I loved it!
I think my favourite new song was one called Miracle Maker, get it!
Lee 6:08 PM
Awesome!!!! I've always wanted to see Delirious in concert as well! I saw a video of them once and they were in a football (soccer) stadium with youth everywhere and there were soccer balls being thrown around everywhere! But the best part was the youth were worshipping with all they had! It was amazing! So I am incredibly jealeous! And Alex and I discovered the cd a little bit ago and listen to it all the time now! It's awesome! I just love Delirious!
Well speaking of Christmas presents I just wrapped yours and Sarah's and put them under our tree. They are in fact the first presents to go under our tree!
, at Well speaking of Christmas presents I just wrapped yours and Sarah's and put them under our tree. They are in fact the first presents to go under our tree!
, at
Oooooooooo pressies!!!!!!!
I like Christmas pressies!!
Yes, the worship was great, the great thing is it isn't just the crowd worshipping, it's the band too.
At one point the drummer just stopped playing and just had his arms outstretched to God in pure worship, it was amazing!!!
I like Christmas pressies!!
Yes, the worship was great, the great thing is it isn't just the crowd worshipping, it's the band too.
At one point the drummer just stopped playing and just had his arms outstretched to God in pure worship, it was amazing!!!
I liked the presence of God the most at the concert, it was a good time!
Wish people wouldn't be so pushy though . . . Boo to the pushers! Oh no, that sounds like a drug thing . . .well, nevermind you get what I mean!
Wish people wouldn't be so pushy though . . . Boo to the pushers! Oh no, that sounds like a drug thing . . .well, nevermind you get what I mean!
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well, what do you mean? tell me...
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