21 December 2005
A Class Above
Well, we're half way from Wales to Canada, and by half way I mean we're in London. Well, it's kind of 'half way' because we've finished one flight and have one to go, sure the first flight was 30 minutes and the second one is 7 hours, but that's just semantics!

I write this from the comfort of the first class lounge, that's right, free peanuts, crisps, muffins, coco cola and any alcohol I want!!
Technically we shouldn't be here, but the nice lady on the door was in the Christmas mood and said we could come in anyway! Yay for Christmas cheer!
So I'm sat here, spread out on a leather couch, with Sarah sat across from me, feet up reading a book, and I'm people watching. What kind of person frequents lounges such as this?
In front of me is an Asian businessman, he's about my age but he's busy typing away on his Sony Vaio, apart from that he looks stylish, nice watch, nice shirt. I want to invent stories for these people, so I've decided this man commutes from Beijing, he's probably heading to some high powered business meeting first thing in the morning, then he'll be right back on the first plane to London and back to his desk in their London office.
Behind me are two Middle Eastern men, one looks a little like Said from Lost, the other is more like Hugo. Perhaps they're terrorists, heading back to Iraq or Afghanistan or somewhere like that following their reconnaissance mission in London, but more likely they're heading home for Christmas.
Further across are a clearly 'well to do' family. They always travel first class. The Mother is all prim and proper, nicely middle aged and nicely turned out. The Father has had one too many mince pies already this Christmas, but is clearly enjoying the free food this lounge has to offer. They have three children, the eldest, a son, sits with his shirt sleeves rolled up, looking very much like Prince William, he's probably a good friend. The middle child is a girl, but clearly an 'it' girl in the making, wearing her designer jeans and neck scarf (even though we're indoors), clearly she knows what she wants and Daddy makes sure she gets it. I overheard her complaining about drinking water out of a plastic cup and how disgusting that was, I'm not sure why she was complaining about that, there isn't a plastic cup in sight. The youngest son is a smaller version of his big brother (what younger brother isn't?), he wants to be older than he is, but he's too short to look it. This family are probably heading somewhere warm, probably a swanky 5 star hotel in the Maldives, no boring, cold, London Christmas for them.
Things are quieting down now, some flights have been called and people are leaving. There's not many people to watch now.
The only disappointment of this lounge is the lack of free internet access. While I write this to you from the seclusion of the first class lounge, alas I can only post it when I reach Canada. I think this must be the only first class lounge in the world that makes you pay to use the internet.
All that remains is for me to head back to the free bar and get some more food and perhaps another glass of wine. my excuse is it'll help me sleep on the plane, and I'm sticking to it! I haven't tried the toilets yet, I wonder if they're like the regualr loos or if they have gold seats or silk toilet paper?

I'm now in Canada, the land of Tim Hortons coffee and snow, it'll be my second white Christmas in a row, cool!!

I write this from the comfort of the first class lounge, that's right, free peanuts, crisps, muffins, coco cola and any alcohol I want!!
Technically we shouldn't be here, but the nice lady on the door was in the Christmas mood and said we could come in anyway! Yay for Christmas cheer!
So I'm sat here, spread out on a leather couch, with Sarah sat across from me, feet up reading a book, and I'm people watching. What kind of person frequents lounges such as this?
In front of me is an Asian businessman, he's about my age but he's busy typing away on his Sony Vaio, apart from that he looks stylish, nice watch, nice shirt. I want to invent stories for these people, so I've decided this man commutes from Beijing, he's probably heading to some high powered business meeting first thing in the morning, then he'll be right back on the first plane to London and back to his desk in their London office.
Behind me are two Middle Eastern men, one looks a little like Said from Lost, the other is more like Hugo. Perhaps they're terrorists, heading back to Iraq or Afghanistan or somewhere like that following their reconnaissance mission in London, but more likely they're heading home for Christmas.
Further across are a clearly 'well to do' family. They always travel first class. The Mother is all prim and proper, nicely middle aged and nicely turned out. The Father has had one too many mince pies already this Christmas, but is clearly enjoying the free food this lounge has to offer. They have three children, the eldest, a son, sits with his shirt sleeves rolled up, looking very much like Prince William, he's probably a good friend. The middle child is a girl, but clearly an 'it' girl in the making, wearing her designer jeans and neck scarf (even though we're indoors), clearly she knows what she wants and Daddy makes sure she gets it. I overheard her complaining about drinking water out of a plastic cup and how disgusting that was, I'm not sure why she was complaining about that, there isn't a plastic cup in sight. The youngest son is a smaller version of his big brother (what younger brother isn't?), he wants to be older than he is, but he's too short to look it. This family are probably heading somewhere warm, probably a swanky 5 star hotel in the Maldives, no boring, cold, London Christmas for them.
Things are quieting down now, some flights have been called and people are leaving. There's not many people to watch now.
The only disappointment of this lounge is the lack of free internet access. While I write this to you from the seclusion of the first class lounge, alas I can only post it when I reach Canada. I think this must be the only first class lounge in the world that makes you pay to use the internet.
All that remains is for me to head back to the free bar and get some more food and perhaps another glass of wine. my excuse is it'll help me sleep on the plane, and I'm sticking to it! I haven't tried the toilets yet, I wonder if they're like the regualr loos or if they have gold seats or silk toilet paper?

I'm now in Canada, the land of Tim Hortons coffee and snow, it'll be my second white Christmas in a row, cool!!
Lee 5:03 PM
WElcome home for Christmas Lee! We got you home safe and sound and it is a white Christmas indeed.
I enjoyed reading the entry about first class hob nobbing however, I have one complaint. No first class patron would use the phrase "toilet" or "loos" in telling such a tale. Canadian refining is still yet to be had...
Wait till you see what John got you for Christmas. LOL Ask Sarah if it's nearly as nice as the gift you got last year. LOL Sorry had to.
, at I enjoyed reading the entry about first class hob nobbing however, I have one complaint. No first class patron would use the phrase "toilet" or "loos" in telling such a tale. Canadian refining is still yet to be had...
Wait till you see what John got you for Christmas. LOL Ask Sarah if it's nearly as nice as the gift you got last year. LOL Sorry had to.
hey what's up with the new screening process on the blog?? You must view my comment before it airs?? What ever happen to freedom of speech?
Love you anyway...
, at Love you anyway...
Awe! Yes, people watching! It's one of my favorite activities!
You know the Asian guy sounds a lot like Alex, trendy, with a vaio. He sounds like a smart guy!
Well, enjoy your snow while, I enjoy my palm trees and sun! Although I prefer the snow! Hopefully next year when we are all in Wales together I will get my white Christmas in Wales again!
You guys have a wonderful Christmas vacation! PS just as a reminder my b-day is the 28th, just in case you forgot to send the present! Hehe! Haha!
, at You know the Asian guy sounds a lot like Alex, trendy, with a vaio. He sounds like a smart guy!
Well, enjoy your snow while, I enjoy my palm trees and sun! Although I prefer the snow! Hopefully next year when we are all in Wales together I will get my white Christmas in Wales again!
You guys have a wonderful Christmas vacation! PS just as a reminder my b-day is the 28th, just in case you forgot to send the present! Hehe! Haha!
Hurray!! you're here!!
Isn'e people watching so much fun?!?! I love it!
I love that comic with the hair dryer. lol
See you soon
Isn'e people watching so much fun?!?! I love it!
I love that comic with the hair dryer. lol
See you soon
Have a 1st class Christmas ALL THE WAY dude.
Love to all our Canadian family and a happy yuletide season to you all. (that's a 1st class attempt at MERRY CHRISTMAS)
, at Love to all our Canadian family and a happy yuletide season to you all. (that's a 1st class attempt at MERRY CHRISTMAS)
Sorry for the comment moderation, I turned it on by mistake, I only new it was on when Kelly told me! Ha!
I thought you'd all abandoned me and I was such a loser getting no comments, then I check and there's a big pile of them waiting to be accepted! Yay!
It's like Christmas or something!!
And the sign in the first class lounge said 'Toilets' so I'm ok using that word, it's the correct word to use in England, and that's where I was when I wrote it, of course I'll have to adapt for the next 10 days or so.
I thought you'd all abandoned me and I was such a loser getting no comments, then I check and there's a big pile of them waiting to be accepted! Yay!
It's like Christmas or something!!
And the sign in the first class lounge said 'Toilets' so I'm ok using that word, it's the correct word to use in England, and that's where I was when I wrote it, of course I'll have to adapt for the next 10 days or so.
Thanks Steve (old guy with grey hair). right back at ya! AND to Gill too!
I learned that phrase while talking to that nice man with the Beetles accent from Liver Pool when I was tracking Sarah's package. Have a splendid Christmas.
Sorry Lee for using your blog to send greeting to your folks, but it's a worth while cause!
, at
I learned that phrase while talking to that nice man with the Beetles accent from Liver Pool when I was tracking Sarah's package. Have a splendid Christmas.
Sorry Lee for using your blog to send greeting to your folks, but it's a worth while cause!