30 November 2005
Who's the Daddy!!!
So, it's my first blog on my new blog website.
First off, let me tell you about my brand new homepage, check it out here.
It's a great new site that you should bookmark, because it links directly to my blog and to Sarah's blog as well as a whole host of other stuff.
Ok, with that bit of advertising done, I'll move on to what I really want to blog about...
The biggest news since, well, um, since I got married 3 months ago!!!
What is it I hear you cry???
(Except those of you who've already read Sarah's blog)
I'm going to be a Daddy!!!
That's right, Sarah is preggers and it's my fertile soldiers who are responsible!
I always knew my little guys were super-sperm!
Sarah did a home pregnancy test yesterday, and this is what it looked like:

This is the actual stick that Sarah had to pee on!!
But don't worry, the blue cap on the end goes over the wet bit, so it's safe to hold.
The blue cross means we're pregnant! We're gonna have a baby!!!
When I first saw the test it all seemed so surreal, I couldn't actually bring myself to understand what it meant.
But now I've had a day to let it sink in, and I'm thrilled to bits!

I'm scared to death, obviously, about the prospect of becoming a Dad, what do I actually do!?!?
But, more than that, I can't wait to start a family with Sarah.
Thank you God for this blessing.
I really want our child to get off to the best possible start in life, so if you are reading this, please pray, right now, for our baby.
He or she is about a millimeter in length right now, but if I can have prayers coming from all over the world, then what better way to start your existence on this planet?
Now I'm already looking at Mothercare catalogues deciding how I want my baby's room to look and what type of pushchair (stroller) he/she should have.
Yesterday Sarah and I embarked on a long and scary journey into parenthood, but you know what? It's going to be the best journey of my life!
First off, let me tell you about my brand new homepage, check it out here.
It's a great new site that you should bookmark, because it links directly to my blog and to Sarah's blog as well as a whole host of other stuff.
Ok, with that bit of advertising done, I'll move on to what I really want to blog about...
The biggest news since, well, um, since I got married 3 months ago!!!
What is it I hear you cry???
(Except those of you who've already read Sarah's blog)
I'm going to be a Daddy!!!
That's right, Sarah is preggers and it's my fertile soldiers who are responsible!
I always knew my little guys were super-sperm!
Sarah did a home pregnancy test yesterday, and this is what it looked like:

This is the actual stick that Sarah had to pee on!!
But don't worry, the blue cap on the end goes over the wet bit, so it's safe to hold.
The blue cross means we're pregnant! We're gonna have a baby!!!
When I first saw the test it all seemed so surreal, I couldn't actually bring myself to understand what it meant.
But now I've had a day to let it sink in, and I'm thrilled to bits!

I'm scared to death, obviously, about the prospect of becoming a Dad, what do I actually do!?!?
But, more than that, I can't wait to start a family with Sarah.
Thank you God for this blessing.
I really want our child to get off to the best possible start in life, so if you are reading this, please pray, right now, for our baby.
He or she is about a millimeter in length right now, but if I can have prayers coming from all over the world, then what better way to start your existence on this planet?
Now I'm already looking at Mothercare catalogues deciding how I want my baby's room to look and what type of pushchair (stroller) he/she should have.
Yesterday Sarah and I embarked on a long and scary journey into parenthood, but you know what? It's going to be the best journey of my life!
Lee 11:13 PM